Ajax Helpers in Asp.Net MVC with Examples

Here we will learn what is Ajax helper in asp.net mvc and how to use Ajax helper with asp.net mvc. Let’s begin with the words AJAX; AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML


In today's modern era, people want rich web applications. For developing this kind of application, we need to use AJAX in one or another way. Using ajax helpers in asp.net mvc, we can send data to a server in an asynchronous way without postbacks that will make our applications interactive, easy to use, and make end-users happy.


Using AJAX, we can update the partial part of the view without posting the entire page to the server. Here we will see how to use AJAX helper in asp.net mvc to submit forms and use the AJAX action link to invoke the action method asynchronously by using JavaScript. Before starting with the demo on AJAX helper, let's look at various properties of Ajax Options.


There might be a question what are Ajax Options?


We need to set these options for running Ajax scripts in an ASP.NET MVC application.


There are 12 properties of AjaxOptions. Below you will see the Metadata of AjaxOptions class.


Properties of ajax helpers in asp.net mvc

Let’s have a look in detail at all these AjaxOptions.


Confirm - This property display a confirmation box in which you will see the ok and cancel button if you click on the ok button after that Ajax request is made. This confirmation box is displayed before making the AJAX request.


HttpMethod - This property is used while making an Ajax request, GET or POST by default; this value is set to POST.


InsertionMode - There are 3 insertion modes ("InsertAfter", "InsertBefore", "Replace"). The default value is "Replace”. This specifies how the data response will be retrieved from the server is inserted into the target DOM element.


LoadingElementId - While AJAX request is processing, if we want to display Progress bar or Loader, then we can use this Property.


LoadingElementDuration - By setting this property, we can control the duration of LoadingElementId (Progress bar or Loader duration) for how much time it must be displayed.


UpdateTargetId - By setting UpdateTargetId of HTML elements the data from server will be added to this HTML element.


Url - which controllers Action Method to be called on while making Ajax Request is set here.


OnBegin - This AjaxOptions is called before sending Ajax call.


OnComplete - This AjaxOptions is called when Ajax call completed.


OnFailure - this AjaxOptions is called when Ajax call fails.


OnSuccess - This AjaxOptions is Ajax request completes successfully and happens before OnComplete.


After understanding, let’s move forward with creating an application in asp.net mvc and add AJAX functionally. We will create a basic form and submit the form in AJAX to implement all AjaxOptions in it.

Create New Asp.Net MVC Application

Let's start with creating a new asp.net mvc 4 application for that Open visual studio à Go to File à Select New à Select Project.


create new asp.net mvc project from visual studio 2012


After that, you will see a new dialog for selecting your Template and Project type. From Templates, select Visual C# à inside that select Web and then project type select ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, and here we are giving the name as “Tutorial14” then finally click on OK button.


select asp.net mvc 4 web application and click ok to create new mvc application


After naming and click on the OK button, a new dialog will pop up for selecting a template in that Select Basic template and set view engine as Razor.We will not create Unit testing for this project; hence, do not check this option and finally click OK like as shown below.


select asp.net mvc project template type in ajax helpers example


 After selecting all options, click the OK button our Project will create like as shown below.


asp.net mvc application structure for ajax helpers methods


After creating a project, let’s add a Model with the name Countries. To add a new model file, open Solution Explorer à right-click the Models folder à Select Add à then select Class. Now give a name to the class as Countries and finally click on Add button to create Model once we finish adding a new model file that will be like as shown below.


Add new model file in asp.net mvc ajax helpers example


Now open the countries model file and add properties like as shown below.





public int CountriesID { get; set; }

public string CountriesName { get; set; }


After adding the Countries Model now, we will use the Code First Approach for accessing the database. For that, we are going to add class DbconnectionContext which will be inheriting from DbContext.


Adding Context class


For adding context class In Solution Explorer, right-click the Models folder à Select Add à then select Class à Name the class DbconnectionContext. After adding a class that will be like, as shown below.


after adding dbcontext class file in asp.net mvc application


Now, open class DbconnectionContext file and Inherit from DbContext Class after this step in DbconnectionContext constructor, we will call base class (DbconnectionContext) and Provide Connection String in it.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Data.Entity;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;


namespace Tutorial14.Models


public class DbconnectionContext : DbContext


public DbconnectionContext()

: base("DefaultConnection")




public DbSet<Countries> Countries { get; set; }



We will add a connection string in web.config because we need to tell it where to create the Database.



<add name="DefaultConnectionproviderName "System.Data.SqlClientconnectionString="data source=SAI-PC; initial catalog=OrderDB; persist security info=True; user id=sa; password=Pass$123; App=EntityFramework" />


After completion of database part now let’s move towards adding Controller.

Adding New Controller in Asp.Net MVC

To add controller, right-click on the Controller folder, select Add from the list, and select controller.


Add new controller in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


 After selecting the controller, a new dialog will pop up with the name Add Controller like as shown below.


Give name to new controller in asp.net mvc ajax helpers example


Now let’s name the controller to HomeController, and in the template, we will select the Empty MVC controller. Finally, click on the Add button to Create HomeController once we add a controller that will contain code like as shown below.


Home controller with source code in asp.net mvc ajax helpers


After adding HomeController, you will see the Index Action Method created by default. Now let’s add 2 Action Method with the name AddCountries this action method we will call using AjaxOptions.



public ActionResult AddCountries(Countries objCountries)


if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())


using (DbconnectionContext obj = newDbconnectionContext())






return View();




public ActionResult AddCountries()


return View();


After adding the Action Method, it’s time to add View.

Adding New View in Asp.Net MVC Application

To add View, right-click inside Controller Action Method (AddCountries), select option Add View, as shown below.


Add new view in asp.net mvc for controller method in ajax helpers method


After selecting the Add View option, a New Wizard will pop up with Name (Add View). It will have View Name the Same name as Action Method inside which you right-click to add View. In this example, we will create a Strongly-Typed view for that we check this option, and in Model class, we selected the Countries model class.


give name to new view in asp.net mvc ajax helpers


After selecting the required options, click on the Add button. After that, a View will be created inside the Views folder, and in that, we will have a folder with the name of the controller inside that our view will be created. Following is the code snippet of our newly created view.


@model Tutorial14.Models.Countries


Layout = null;


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>




<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>

@using (Html.BeginForm())





<div class="editor-label">

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.CountriesName)


<div class="editor-field">

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.CountriesName)

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.CountriesName)



<input type="submit" value="Create"/>





@Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")




Now save your application and RUN then access URL like "http://localhost:####/home/AddCountries" that will be like as shown below.


Add new countries screen in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


Just enter Countries Name and click on the Create button. As you click, it will create a database with the name OrderDB and inside, that will create a table because we are using the Code First approach of Entity framework. Following is database OrderDB which is created after running Application (Code First).


Created new database in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


Following is the table which is created [Countries].


countries table in new database in asp.net mvc ajax helpers methods

After that, while adding countries, you might have seen page flickers. This effect is due to the entire page is posted to the server. Now let’s make a form Ajaxified. 

Adding AJAX features in Asp.Net MVC Application

The first thing we are going to add AjaxOptions in asp.net mvc application. Here we will set 6 AjaxOptions, and to post the form to a server, we assigned HttpMethod to "POST". And all remaining AjaxOptions are assigned with the JavaScript function; you can see the following code snippet; it will give an idea.



AjaxOptions options = new AjaxOptions();

options.HttpMethod = "POST";

options.OnBegin = "OnBeginRequest";

options.OnSuccess = "OnSuccessRequest";

options.OnComplete = "OnCompleteRequest";

options.OnFailure = "OnFailureRequest";

options.Confirm = "Do you want to Add Country ?";


After adding Ajax options, we will create a JavaScript function for assign to AjaxOptions.


<script type="text/javascript">

function OnBeginRequest() {

alert('On Begin');


function OnCompleteRequest() {

alert('On Completed');


function OnSuccessRequest() {

alert('On Success');


function OnFailureRequest() {

alert('On Failure');



After adding Function, let’s make changes in the form tag of AddCountries view. We are going to modify the form tag as given below.


Normal Tag


@using (Html.BeginForm("AddCountries", "Home"))




Ajax Form tag


In the Ajax form tag, we need to pass AjaxOptions in which we have to assign JavaScript function. 


@using (Ajax.BeginForm ("AddCountries", "Home", options))




Following is the complete Markup of AddCountries view after adding Ajax options.


@model Tutorial14.Models.Countries


Layout = null;


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>




<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

function OnBeginRequest() {

alert('On Begin');


function OnCompleteRequest() {

alert('On Completed');


function OnSuccessRequest() {

alert('On Success');


function OnFailureRequest() {

alert('On Failure');





AjaxOptions options = new AjaxOptions();

options.HttpMethod = "POST";

options.OnBegin = "OnBeginRequest";

options.OnSuccess = "OnSuccessRequest";

options.OnComplete = "OnCompleteRequest";

options.OnFailure = "OnFailureRequest";

options.Confirm = "Do you want to Add Country ?";



@using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCountries", "Home", options))





<div class="editor-label">

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.CountriesName)


<div class="editor-field">

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.CountriesName)

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.CountriesName)


<p><input type="submit" value="Create"/></p>





After making changes in AddCountries views now save your application and run then access URL like "http://localhost:####/home/AddCountries".


Add new countries screen in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


Let’s enter a Countries name and click on the Create button. When we click on the Create button, the page started post backing the Action Method is not getting called. This is happening because we didn't add Unobtrusive Ajax reference to the page without adding Unobtrusive Ajax. We cannot use Ajax helper in asp.net mvc.


script folder with jquery unobstrusive ajax in asp.net mvc ajax helper methods


You may have a question what is Unobtrusive Ajax?


Unobtrusive Ajax is a way of separating JavaScript and Ajax from HTML Markup such that we can keep them clean, organize, and easy for maintenance.


For example, if we are using any date picker on a page, we will add many Ajax and JavaScript code on that page and make that page bulky. If we use Unobtrusive Ajax and JavaScript, we will add a reference to this file on Page and not write or render any JavaScript and Ajax on-page.


Let’s come back for adding Unobtrusive Ajax reference to the page in asp.net mvc.


Adding unobstrusive jquery file in asp.net mvc ajax helpers method


Now to handle the request, we need to add "UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" as a key in the web.config file under the "<appSettings>" section, as shown below.



<add key="webpages:Versionvalue="" />

<add key="webpages:Enabledvalue="false" />

<add key="PreserveLoginUrlvalue="true" />

<add key="ClientValidationEnabledvalue="true" />

<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabledvalue="true" />


After adding these now save your application and RUN. 

Ajax Confirm message in Asp.Net MVC

After running the application, enter Countries Name and click on the Create button. The first message will pop up that is Confirmation below is AjaxOptions that we have set.


Ajax helper method confirm in asp.net mvc application


Following is the way we need to set the Confirm ajax helper option in asp.net mvc.


Ajax helper method options in asp.net mvc application

Ajax OnBegin message in Asp.Net MVC

The second message will pop up, which is OnBegin below is the AjaxOptions that we have set.


Ajax OnBegin helper method message in asp.net mvc application


Following is the way we need to set OnBegin ajax helper option in asp.net mvc.


Ajax Options OnBegin Helper Method in Asp.Net MVC

Ajax OnSuccess message in Asp.Net MVC

The Third Message will pop up, which is On Success; below is AjaxOptions that we have set.


Ajax onSuccess Helper Method in Asp.net MVC Application


Following is the way we need to set the ajax onSuccess helper option in asp.net mvc.


set onSuccess ajax helper option in asp.net mvc application

Ajax OnComplete Option Message in Asp.Net MVC

The fourth message will pop up, which is OnComplete below is AjaxOptions that we have set.


Ajax oncomplete helper option in asp.net mvc application


Following is the way we will set the ajax oncomplete method in asp.net mvc.

set ajax oncomplete helper method option in asp.net mvc application

Let’s add some more Ajax options add Loader progress images as we submit the form and get hidden as we complete the process requests.

Setting up Ajax Loading Image in Asp.Net MVC

We are going to set the following Ajax options to display Ajax Loading images.

Set up ajax loading image while submitting page request in asp.net mvc application

 The first step is to set up an ajax loading image. We need to add a div and inside a loader gif image like as shown below code.


<div id="divProgress" style="display: none;">

<div class="modalBackground ajax-loader">

<img src="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif"/>



Second step is to set LoadingElementId which will be the div id (divProgress) which we have recently added.


options.LoadingElementId = "divProgress";

The third step is to set LoadingElementDuration, which is in milliseconds.


options.LoadingElementDuration = 1000;

Generally, the LoadingElementDuration property gets or sets a value, in milliseconds, that controls the animation duration when showing or hiding the loading. As per the below, 1 second equals to 1000 milliseconds.


convert second to millisecond in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


The fourth step is to set UpdateTargetId, which will be the div id (divResponse) in which we want server data to be added when we get in response.


<div id="divResponse">


Following is the ajax option we added to access this targedid


 options.UpdateTargetId = "divResponse";

The fifth step is to set InsertionMode we are going to set it to replace.


options.InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace;

Adding Partial View in Asp.Net MVC Application

Now let’s add a partial view to AddCountries Action Method in Home Controller. For adding Partial View, right-click inside Action Method AddCountries and then select Add View Option. After that, the Add View dialog will pop up, we will name View as “_Message” and after that, going to check Create as a partial view options and finally click on the Add button.


Adding partial view in asp.net mvc ajax helpers example


After adding, it will get added in the Home folder, which is inside Views Folder like as shown below.


After adding partial view asp.net mvc ajax helpers project structure


Now let’s add some mark up inside the “_Message” partial view like as shown below.



Layout = null;


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>

<title>Add Countries</title>




<h3>Data Added Successfully </h3>




And in the last step, I am going to change the return type of AddCountries Action Method from return View(); to return PartialView ("_Message");



public ActionResult AddCountries(Countries objCountries)


if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())


using (DbconnectionContext obj = new DbconnectionContext())






return PartialView("_Message");


Now save and run the application with a URL like "http://localhost:####/home/AddCountries". After running the application, access your AddCountries page, enter Countries Name, and click on the Create button. As you click, you will see the Loader progress image, and after completing the request, it will get hired, and then your partial view message will be displayed there.

showing loading progress image while processing in asp.net mvc ajax helper methods


Following is the partial view, which is displayed after adding data.


Displaying Partial view after adding data in asp.net mvc ajax helpers example


If we check table Countries, we can find records of whatever we created from asp.net mvc ajax helpers application like as shown below.


countries table in new database in asp.net mvc ajax helpers methods

After completing the form using Ajax, let’s work with Ajax ActionLink (@Ajax.ActionLink) to get data from the database and insert the response in an HTML container.

How to Use Ajax ActionLink helper in Asp.Net MVC?

The Ajax ActionLink (@Ajax.ActionLink) is similar to html ActionLink (@Html.ActionLink) but Ajax ActionLink send asynchronous request to Action Method and the response of this action Method can be used to update html elements ( UpdateTargetId = "divResponse") .


Let’s start with an example. For this, we added a new Action Method with Name ViewCountry in Home Controller, which returns a list of countries we added.


public ActionResult ViewCountry()


using (DbconnectionContext db = new DbconnectionContext())


List<Countries> list = db.Countries.ToList();

return PartialView("_CountryList", list);



Adding Partial View for ViewCountry Method

Let's add a Partial view to this ViewCountry Action Method. For adding Partial view, right-click inside Action Method, then select Add View from the list. A new dialog of Add View will popup then Enter View name “_CountryList” after selecting as View engine (Razor). We will create a strongly-typed view for that we will check this option, and in Model class, we will select Countries Model after selecting this. We are going to keep the Scaffolding template to Empty.


Adding new view to show countries details in asp.net mvc ajax helper application


After adding Partial View, it will get added to Home Folder in View.


After adding view in asp.net mvc ajax helpers application


If you open this partial view, you will see an empty View with a tightly coupled Countries Model. Here we will modify the tightly coupled Model to take the IEnumerable list as input and use the Foreach loop to display data from collection one by one.


@model IEnumerable<Tutorial14.Models.Countries>



<th>Countries ID</th>



<th>Countries Name</th>


@foreach (var item in Model)




@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.CountriesID)



@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.CountriesName)





Adding another group of Ajax options for Ajax Action Link.



AjaxOptions objAjaxOptions = new AjaxOptions();

objAjaxOptions.HttpMethod = "POST";

objAjaxOptions.UpdateTargetId = "divshowResponse";

objAjaxOptions.InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace;

objAjaxOptions.LoadingElementId = "divProgress";



After adding Ajax options now, we will add Ajax Action Link and pass this Ajax option to this helper method. Here we will add Ajax ActionLink (@Ajax.ActionLink) to your Main page (AddCountries) view it as similar as we configured @Ajax.BeginForm helper.


@Ajax.ActionLink("Show Countries Data", "ViewCountry", "Home", objAjaxOptions)

Following is the detailed explanation of ajax actionlink.

Detailed explanation of ajax actionlink in asp.net mvc


Now we will add the divProgress HTML element, which is used for display loading image when we click on ActionLink (LoadingElementId) for display loading image. At the same time, it loads data from the server.


<div id="divProgress" style="display: none;">

<div class="modalBackground ajax-loader">

<img src="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif"/>



Now we are going to add Html Element in which we are going populate data to receive as Response from server.


<div id="divshowResponse">


After adding html Elements now let’s have look on complete markup of AddCountries view how it look.


@model Tutorial14.Models.Countries


Layout = null;


<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>


<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

function OnBeginRequest() {

alert('On Begin');



function OnCompleteRequest() {

alert('On Completed');


function OnSuccessRequest() {

alert('On Success');


function OnFailureRequest() {

alert('On Failure');






AjaxOptions options = new AjaxOptions();

options.HttpMethod = "POST";

options.OnBegin = "OnBeginRequest";

options.OnSuccess = "OnSuccessRequest";

options.OnComplete = "OnCompleteRequest";

options.OnFailure = "OnFailureRequest";

options.Confirm = "Do you want to Add Country ?";

options.LoadingElementId = "divProgress";

options.LoadingElementDuration = 1000;

options.UpdateTargetId = "divResponse";

options.InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace;


<div id="divResponse">


@using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCountries", "Home", options))





<div class="editor-label">

@Html.LabelFor(model => model.CountriesName)


<div class="editor-field">

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.CountriesName)

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.CountriesName)



<input type="submit" value="Create"/>








AjaxOptions objAjaxOptions = new AjaxOptions();

objAjaxOptions.HttpMethod = "POST";

objAjaxOptions.UpdateTargetId = "divshowResponse";

objAjaxOptions.InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace;

objAjaxOptions.LoadingElementId = "divProgress";



Ajax ActionLink :-

@Ajax.ActionLink("Show Countries Data", "ViewCountry", "Home", objAjaxOptions)

<div id="divshowResponse">


<div id="divProgress" style="display: none;">

<div class="modalBackground ajax-loader">

<img src="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif"/>





Following is complete code snippet of Home Controller.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Mvc;

using Tutorial14.Models;


namespace Tutorial14.Controllers


public class HomeController : Controller


public ActionResult Index()


using (DbconnectionContext obj = new DbconnectionContext())


List<Countries> Countries = obj.Countries.ToList();


return View();



public ActionResult AddCountries(Countries objCountries)


if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())


using (DbconnectionContext obj = new DbconnectionContext())






return PartialView("_Message");


public ActionResult ViewCountry()


using (DbconnectionContext db = new DbconnectionContext())


List<Countries> list = db.Countries.ToList();

return PartialView("_CountryList", list);




public ActionResult AddCountries()


return View();




Now save Application and RUN then Access View AddCountries, which is under Home Controller.  After rendering AddCountries, view it displaying Ajax ActionLink.


Displaying ActionLink (Show Countries Data) on AddCountries View


After clicking on Ajax ActionLink, it is going to Call (ViewCountry) Action Method. In ViewCountry Action Method, we will return Partial View and that Partial View data is getting Updated in the Html element (“divshowResponse”).


Displaying Data after Clicking on ActionLink (Show Countries Data).


Finally, we completed learning Ajax Helpers in asp.net mvc with examples.